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Welcome to the App Builder Documentation

This documentation will guide you through understanding, setting up, and using the App Builder, a comprehensive tool for creating custom websites and apps with drag-and-drop features, seamless customization, and a responsive design experience.

Key Features

  • Web-Build: Design websites using prebuilt and custom HTML/CSS components with a live preview.
  • App-Build: Build applications using React Flow, allowing dynamic workflows and custom components.
  • App-Viewer: Render applications or websites from JSON data.
  • Auth System: Secure user authentication with login, signup, and password recovery.

Who Is This For?

This documentation is tailored for:

  1. Developers: To set up and customize the front-end project.
  2. Users: To understand how to build and manage websites and apps.
  3. Admins: To configure and manage application settings.

Next Steps

To get started, follow the Getting Started guide to set up the project locally.